Paul Aurand was named as ‘IACT Educator of the Year 2015’.
Linda Otto, IACT Executive Director, explains why the Association chose Paul to receive this Award:
“Paul Aurand’s award is in recognition of his excellence in communication, dedication to the profession and outstanding performance. Having been a certified practitioner for over 30 years, a member of the IACT since 1996 and an IACT approved instructor for many years, Paul’s scope of practice goes beyond the United States, training others in Europe, South America, Australia, Africa and Japan – helping to spread the word on the benefits of hypnosis globally. It is with great honor that we award him the prestigious title of 2015 IACT Educator of the Year.”

Paul was working in Turkey on the night of the Awards presentations so he could not be in Florida to accept his award. He received the news by telephone and George Bien, Master Trainer and long-time friend, accepted the award on his behalf. George said: “Paul is most deserving of the Educator of the Year Award, and I was thrilled to be asked to accept it for him. Paul and I go back many years. He truly IS one of the ‘Very Best’!”
And our Founder, Michael Newton, told Paul this was an impressive win and well deserved, adding, ‘Paul has become our global ambassador for LBL with his hard work and dedication to teaching.’
Many current TNI members have in the past been amongst Paul’s students, and will understand from personal experience why Paul is so deserving of this award.
So we want to share this great news with all our members and invite everyone to join together in offering our sincere congratulations. We are all proud of you, Paul!