A Life-Changing, Transformational, Healing Workshop
with Paul Aurand, MHt. and Allison Axinn.
Break through to the authentic you! Free yourself from the stuck emotions, self-limiting beliefs, and unconscious programs that hold you back. Unleash your boundless power, creativity, inspiration, and wisdom.
Your soul carries great light and wisdom but it can become encased in protective armoring and negative imprints from the past. These diminish your light and disconnect you from your authentic self.
Based on your individual needs, Paul and Allison will guide you through a series of “Essential Healings” to break through these layers of armoring and imprints, to reconnect you with your authentic self and activate your Soul Essence.
Some of the Transformational Journeys you will be Guided Through are:
Expanding Consciousness Beyond the Mental Mind
Identifying and Clearing the Heart Shields
Opening the Heart
Breaking Through the Blocks
Emotional Release
Healing the Past
Meeting and Healing the Wounded Child Within
Meeting the “Wonder Child”
Therapeutic Writing and Drawing
Reclaiming Your Power
Returning the “Junk”
I Am, I Have a Right to Be, I Choose to Live!
Authentic You Emerging
Soul Essence Activation
Discovering and Receiving Guidance from the Wise One Within
Living and Being Guided by your “Soul Essence”
Paul and Allison create a safe and healing environment where you can go deep within to resolve the old patterns and blocks that have held you back. They have developed these journeys over thirty years of working with thousands of people to break through and be free from negative imprints and to meet and activate their “Soul Essence”.
Imagine remembering who you are and being that!